O nás

TEEKANNE je globální čajová společnost. Naše tradice sahá až do roku založení 1882. Jako samostatná rodinná společnost pěstujeme své „kořeny“ a rozvíjíme své „křídla“, abychom úspěšně a udržitelně vedli společnost do nové generace.

Naše vize

Vytváříme příjemné produkty, které pozitivně přispívají ke zdravému životnímu stylu našich spotřebitelů.

Naše mise

Stanovujeme nové standardy v našich kategoriích a vyvíjíme inovativní nabídky v celém hodnotovém řetězci. Přitom se snažíme o udržitelnou vedoucí pozici mezi 5 nejlepšími čajovými společnostmi po celém světě.

Our values

Small deeds - big impact

Making our lives as sustainable as possible – we can all do something to help achieve this. But what exactly does sustainability stand for? And what can it achieve? We get to the bottom of the term and start at the very beginning. We are following the same path at TEEKANNE, because making the world a little better every day with our commitment to sustainability is close to our hearts.

The topic of the future

When you think of sustainability, you probably think of the environment first. When we talk about the sustainable use of resources, we mean that we do not consume more than can grow back. This ensures the preservation of nature – not only for us, but also for the generations that will follow us. A holistic approach to sustainability also includes ensuring social justice and economic security. In this way, our present needs are to be met without endangering the future of others. This conviction forms the basis of our sustainability principles at TEEKANNE.

We are aware of our impact

As a fourth-generation family business with a long tradition, sustainability has always been a major concern for us and not a current trend. We find ourselves in the special situation of sourcing raw materials from over 150 suppliers in 50 different countries. We see our responsibility not only in the guarantee of quality. But also in the respect of strict social and environmental standards in the countries from which our raw materials originate. To ensure this, our approach includes several steps.

Partnerships are at the center

We maintain long-standing and trusting partnerships with our suppliers. This enables us to ensure that our Code of Conduct is adhered to. By not sourcing raw materials through wholesalers and producing our unique tea blends ourselves, we can also ensure maximum transparency.

However, we do not want to leave our suppliers on their own when it comes to environmental protection measures, human rights and occupational safety. That is why the Rainforest Alliance supports us locally in the origin as an experienced partner in sustainability issues. A special project close to our hearts is the TEEKANNE Cherideo Purbat Play School – a preschool we founded in Assam, India. It forms the basis for a safe school education for 50 local children.

Naturally all along the line

In addition to our suppliers, we also care about our planet. Our goal is to continuously increase the purchase of organic raw materials. That’s why 3 out of 4 of our herbal tea ranges are already available in organic quality, along with selected green and black teas. And we are also thinking ahead, for example in the area of packaging. We deliberately avoid plastic film, and our teas come in 100% FSC-certified cardboard. In addition, all our sites have been climate-neutral since 2020. This includes, among other things, the supply of green electricity and the provision of a fleet of e-vehicles. In this way, we are moving step by step towards a green future!

Making the world a little better

„Small deeds – big impact“ is lived every day at TEEKANNE, because every deed, no matter how small, can add up to something big with many others. A sustainable lifestyle can be easily integrated into one’s everyday life: whether it’s using a jute bag when shopping, reducing plastic consumption, or only putting as much water in the kettle when preparing tea as is actually needed for one cup. In addition, you can buy fruit and vegetables in bulk, use the bike or public transport more often instead of the car, recycle waste correctly, use reusable drinking bottles or cups for to go… You see, it can be so easy to incorporate small deeds with a big impact in everyday life and thus improve the world a little bit. As a consumer, it’s in your power to make a difference and choose a sustainable lifestyle every day.

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